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GLOUP - Svelg tabletter enklere 837010

Gloup forenkler svelging av tabletter og kapsler

Gloup er en velsmakende gel som letter svelging alle typer tabletter og kapsler, og gjør det lettere å ta medisin. 

Gloup er spesialutviklet til de som har problemer med å svelge tabletter, og påvirker ikke effekten av medisiner. Kan trygt tas sammen med alle typer tabletter og kapsler. I tillegg til å lette svelgingen av tablettene vil gelen også maskere ubehagelig smak på medisinen.

Tabletter eller kapsler som skal inntas legges i en skje, og en passende mengde Gloup klemmes på. 

En tube inneholder 150 ml og rekker til ca. 30 doser. 5 ml gel er normalt tilstrekkelig til samtidig inntak av flere tabletter. Kan brukes av voksne og barn over to år. 

Gloup har delikat fruktsmak (banan/jordbær), og inneholder ikke gluten eller allergener.

Undersøkelser har vist at om lag en fjerdedel av befolkningen har problemer med å svelge tabletter. En norsk undersøkelse viste at 30 % av kvinnene og 15 % av mennene hadde problemer med å svelge tabletter og kapsler.


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The history of Gloup

Created and developed within a nursing context

It was a Dutch home-carer who came up with the idea for a lubricating-gel for swallowing medicines. One of his patients had major problems when it came to swallowing medicines. The local pharmacist made a special gel for this patient out of algae as they have a slippery consistency. The test gel was the solution for this patient's problems taking medicines. He was able to swallow his medication easily, without even drinking water.

The idea for Gloup® was born. Scientific research was then conducted into the best formulation of the product over a number of years. Many slippery substances were investigated and, ultimately, the most suitable were selected for further research.

It was very important, however, that the product was more than just a slippery substance. Another problem with medicines is that they have a horrible taste. Both during consumption and afterwards. The addition of a natural aroma to the lubricant meant that this problem was largely resolved. It is also well-known that the moistness of the mouth and throat cavity impacts upon the ability to swallow. Water alone cannot help with this problem.

The product, therefore, had to offer a solution for this too. The end product was tested in three important areas:

  • Lubrication
  • Taste
  • Moistness

In order to make Gloup® suitable for as many people as possible, a sugar-free sweetener and gluten-free ingredients have been used. Gloup® is also free from allergens. In December 2010, the product was sufficiently developed for a patent application to be submitted. Two short years later, the patent was issued for this unique product in the Netherlands, the first country to issue a patent for Gloup®. Other countries swiftly followed.

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